In our considerations on the entrepreneurial choices of externalization or less a business activity
and on the respective reasons, we have placed the enterprise in front of an only crossroad, describing two sun possible options,
that is the choice of internalizzazione of the business activities, resorting to the hierarchical organization (Make), or
the resource MArket through outsourcing of procedures or the functions (Buy).
In the supplying process we have spoken
about outsourcing above all as far as the raw materials not strategic ones for the business activity.
However the entrepreneur, only putting into effect of the transactions spot for supplying of indirect assets, and benefitting
of the single advantages of the Internet Exchange (that we will see in the next chapter), would not succeed sufficiently
to render the corporate a slim structure from being able to make forehead the market turbulences.
With the increase of the markets the abilities to differentiation of just can play moreover a fundamental role product/service,
rendered still more work them from a specialization of the economic actors of a determined field, which allows a more effective
garrison than all the technologies and competences.
The progressive concentration on the Cores competence demands therefore a relationship the most possible almost exclusive
collaboration and with the strategic suppliers for the enterprise activity, which offers an important contribution to the
ends of the creation of the competitive advantage of the customers.

Figure 8: Make + Buy 12 . It becomes therefore of fundamental importance for the competitiveness of the enterprises of a determined field to manage the own chain of supply in collaborativa way, taking advantage of the created synergies is with the economic actors places to mount that with the customers to goes them.
They exist therefore of the true and own conditions that make yes that the management of the supply chain turns out efficient and effective in strategic key for the present actors in the supply chain:
- In order to put into effect of the relations of along term (non-spot) that the actors in issue allow an effective management of the chain more and more often use of coordination technologies, which can as an example be Intranet and Extranet. Technologies that demand however bilateral investments in infrastructures of the Information Technology, and therefore demand the availability of adapted computer science resources (blot some, software and men) that they allow to create effective synergies.
- With the greater specificity and complexity of the transactions in a specialistic chain it moreover becomes more and more difficult to choose and to place to comparison several the suppliers. It is necessary therefore, from part of the customer, to put into effect a selection on more levels that account of the effective usefullness holds and of the potentialities of contribuzione to the value creation that the supplier can give, given substantially from the convergence in the planning and production of the prodotto/servizio.
- Just this contribution to the creation of competitive advantage can be only given with the continuous exchange of information between customer and supplier, putting into effect one careful management of the production process. That and possible so that the supplier chip axes that the customer takes control the know how, sharing is the risks that the benefits deriving from the grip collaboration in the production. The continuous improvement of the actors of the supply chain is in fact possible solo through the constant exchange of know how between several the subjects, that it represents one of the main conditions so that a partnership can be had effective,
and several the subjects can have use of a durable and defensible competitive advantage.
- Notes 12: G. Thorn, Management of the Sypply Chain and Web Economy, Milan Polytechnic