The electronic means of supplying, beyond allowing a cost reduction of the matters to acquire,
inglobano in if all a series of advantages that render Internet more and more a resource of which the company it cannot make less.
To the cost advantages legacies to the improvement of integration to the inside of the supply net join in fact to the
advantages, allowing that necessary exchange of information for a careful management of the supply chain.
Of continuation I go to describe the main benefits of the E-Procurement:
- Price cutting of purchase.
The first cause of price cutting of purchase sure is represented from the strengthening,
which had to Internet, of the mechanisms of market 15 .
The web in fact it allows to a competition and compare of offer between a greater number of suppliers, is premises that
total, which are confrontabili in almost transparent way.
Moreover Internet puts to disposition of the means
(about which we will speak in the understood one succeeded them to you) that they allow to the express encounter between supply
and demand. Means that, like many others that we will observe more ahead, are the craftsmen of one drastic reduction of the times
and the distances of supplying.
With the e-procurement it is assisted therefore to an increase of the contractual power of the buyer, which it finds in Internet,
like in the case of the integrated supply Unitec, means of concentration of the own question, obtaining reductions in price and
economies of amount.
That allows also the predisposition of virtual organizations of purchase, that is of intermediaries
who operate in Internet and allow the customer to take advantage of the Internet Exchange,
making to meet supply and demand.
Moreover the offer of prodotti/servizi via web, allows one more efficient organization for the supplier, which it can benefit,
taking advantage of the electronic means that allow one effective automatization of the processes, of one better management of
the order and a payment more express, pulling down the costs of inner organization.
The supplier can therefore allow to
reductions in price and competitive being more easy.
Examples of greater efficiency of field had to the discouragement
of the inner costs have been manifested above all in the field of transports. Last example is constituted from the creation
from part of Trenitalia S.P.A. of the Trenook, whose management of the reservations and the systems of payment bases to you
on electronic systems, allows the distribution of the transport service, also for great distances, to a highly competitive price.
Not last instead, the case of the airlines low cost, in which the reduced prices they have had also here to a greater
organizational efficiency, that it sees in Internet means centers them of interface with the customer.
- Reduction of the supplying cost.
As I have already asserted in the previous one understood it, Internet has allowed to the discouragement of all those costs legacies implicitly the process of purchase, that is the so-called the costs of transaction. The discouragement of such costs allows the elimination of intermediaries with consequent logistic cost reduction and of distribution, and management of the transactions.
E' to emphasize that, thanks to a greater transparency of the transactions, the intermediary therefore is eliminated is in the purchase process, than in that one of sale, with a remarkable saving of costs for the company.
The reduction of the supplying cost, is achieved substantially through the greater efficiency of the purchase process.
In fact with the automation and the simplification of such process, with to a standardization of the emission procedures orders, there is a reduction of the errors and the times of attended for the customer, a faster comparazione and a reduction of the so-called one paperwork that it testifies the tendency to the virtualizzazione of the purchase process.
Such greater efficiency allows a total saving of resources, to pour for the purchase of those raw materials of strategic character, whose process of supplying cannot be totally automated since needs of a continuous garrison.
- Reduction of the cost of the stocks out and the supplyes.
I use of the web concurs, through the use of instruments of
monitoring that allow a better visibility of the production process, a greater one turnover of warehouse, that it can
carry the enterprise to a discouragement of the stocks out, and however, of the allottable costs to it.
A management of the stocks integrated with the supplying directed one, allows a punctual garrison of the situation of warehouse
in relationship with the market question.
In the phase of supplying of the supplyes of raw materials or indirect assets it is also in this possible case a accorpamento
of the question that allows important economies for the buying enterprise.
Web and the its applications moreover render
the existence of mechanisms possible that take advantage of the concentration and
the rationalization of the warehouse resources. The warehouse in fact represents a cumbersome voice for the enterprise,
since involves of the fixed costs that occupy resources for the enterprise otherwise usable in remunerative activities.
A highly innovative solution that reduces the incidence of the costs of warehouse in the business management, and transforms
them from fixed to variable, is represented from the Virtual Warehouse Unitec.
Such idea, feasible in an industrial district,
creates an integrated management of the warehouse of the enterprises of the district from part of a provider of
services external, which, it allows the present entrepreneurs to render just the warehouse in assets sharing the
lyings, and helping them to create a combined question in the phase of purchase of the supplyes.
- Improvement of integration customer-supplier.
As we have already asserted, a great advantage brought from the
Internet-based solutions is in the increase of the amount and the quality of the information exchanged to the inside
of the supply chain. This last one turns out therefore benefitted in integration between several the inner actors through
the optimization of the planning of the activities of every company, and for means of a better support to the combined job
(as an example in phase of planning) 16 .
This support to the combined planning turns
out of remarkable importance when it finds application in the strategic management of the relations between customer and supplier,
rendering easyr a flow than information that can go from the planning of the system of supply to the inventory management.
Moreover with the introduction in our dictionary de concept of row competitiveness, turns out of vital importance
a coordination between the several inner partner, which can take advantage of mechanisms, like the extensive Extranet
nets, systems ERP or the Corporate Portal. Mechanisms of which we will speak in the next pages.
In November 1999
it has been started a cognitive surveying on the expense of the field be them.
Such surveying has concurred to
characterize meant to you upgrades them of improvement on the common expense, in terms of savings, levels of service
and procedural simplification, making lever on the new computer science technologies.
To the aim to realize such
benefits the Treasure has assigned to Consip the task to constitute one structure of service to support of the process
of purchases.
Consip acts as therefore from intermediary in the aggregation of the purchases in the public sector,
and coordinates the expense using instruments of e-sourcing (figure 10) and operating one radical procedural simplification
in the processes of purchase of Public Administration.

Figure 10: Page web of the purchases on-linens of Public Administration
17 That has allowed a general saving of costs, in the first place
as far as the purchase costs through the creation of conventions with external enterprises.
Moreover, the simplification
of the procedures has allowed a drastic cost reduction of supplying, and has allowed of the reasonable cuts on the public
- Notes 15: R. They curdle, Management of Approvvigionamenti and Web Economy, Milan Polytechnic
- Notes 16: R. They curdle, Management of Approvvigionamenti and Web Economy, Milan Polytechnic
- Notes 17: Obtained image from the situated one