We place the case that as an example participates to the M.V. plan three enterprises pertaining to
the industrial district of the marble of Massa Carrara.
The three companies, reduce one own marble supplyes and graniti (the companies possess all the same type of supplyes)
in the measure of 33%, therefore to stop one 66% of just the warehouse and, parallel, to make available it also for the others.

(source: www.unitec.it)
Therefore, they come cancels you the costs connected to the existence of an entire warehouse to the inside of the district
(the sum of the costs of 33% of every business warehouse, corresponds in fact to the cost total of an entire warehouse).
Although that, the availability of sharing of the goodses given from every company, determines one doubled availability respect
consistency of the supplyes ante participation to the M.V plan (66+66+66=200).
The saving for the three enterprises, is therefore equivalent to the cost of an entire warehouse paradoxicalally associated
to the increment of 100% of the usable supplyes from one of they.
The companies interconnected in such system, also
have therefore the guarantee of an availability of matters, that it goes quite beyond that one possessed previously, not
being the present supplyes in their warehouse.
Obviously, more enterprises participate to the implementation of such
solutions, minors turn out the quotas matters to store, and parallel, greater they will be the quotas matters available.
In the specific case of the district of the scarpone from ski of Montebelluna, where the enterprises, being in strong
competition between they, go to operate singularly with a double of suppliers, they support all a series of costs, not
only logistic but also trained to you and organizational, that they can be eliminates to you or, to the limit, remarkablly
This can happen above all for the materials and indirect members, which, most times generate of the considerable
We imagine the district like a condominio formed from ten apartments (enterprises).
Every condomino, conserve in the own house, a set of 10 light bulbs of reservoir and type standard, in the case becomes
necessary one substitution.
The stock total will be therefore of 100 light bulbs. Supposing an equal average cost to
50 Euro to set of light bulbs, the all in cost of the stock, will be equal to 500 Euro.
It comes decided to reduce the
stock characterizes them to 2 light bulbs with possibility for everyone of the condomini to address for the surplus, to
the neighbor.
It comes then entrusted the assignment of the management of the stock of the light bulbs to a caretaker
(UNITEC in the truth), which, thanks to a directory of the condomini and relati to you the set of rendered light bulbs
available, capture the necessary light bulb from the set of condomino the more neighbor, organizing some the transport
and the delivery, in order then to cure of the reintegrazione.
The every saving of single condomino is in this case
of 80%, while the availability of supplyes is doubled (the condomino has 20 light bulbs against the 10 ante M.V.).
The enterprises of the district, can therefore pass from a management of conventional type, to which the existence of
remarkable waste of resources is associated, to that it previews the participation and I use it of a virtual warehouse,
through interconnections and logistic services distribute to you from the provider.
In the case then they were taken
place of the particular variations in the demands for the goodses from part of an enterprise, and the warehouses of the
others were not in a position to satisfying such requirement (case limit), UNITEC will carry out new supplyings immediately.
The provider it can operate with extreme sollecitudine, in how much the demand for supply from part of the company,
reaches in real time and the state of the availability of the warehouses, is held under control 24 hours on 24 38 .
- Notes 38: Examples drawn from Evolution of the relationships of Business to Business between small and averages enterprises, of F.Ulgiati