CHAPTER III To work with Powersim Study: introduction to I use it of the software through a practical example.
3.3 Create the measure units
The first operation to carry out in order to construct to a model with Powersim Study is that one to create the units of measure
used from the same model.
Powersim Study contains already one series of ordinary units of measure (time unit, of length....).
To these it must add, creating it, the unit of measure for “object” (“widgets”) necessary for the taken model under investigation.
In order to create this unit it must follow the following steps:
- From the plan window (project window) to open Global unit view in which the predefined units of measure will appear all;
- In this window it is possible to add the unit of measure through the Add commando unit;
- Rinominare the new unit added with the name “wdg”.

Figure 3.1-Window of the measure units
The next step is that one to define the unit of created measure. Powersim is based on two types of measure unit:
- Normal unit (normal unit) measure the long amplitude one scale;
- Unit of point (point unit) only defines a point on one scale.
As an example dates and temperatures are measured in point unit while length, mass, volume are measured in normal unit.
Moreover an unit can be:
- atomic (atomic) it constitutes the smallest possible “unit of construction”;
- derivative (derived) must derive from other units.
In the event in issue the unit “wdg” is a normal unit because it is used in order to measure a number (without a position
absolute in the scale) and atomic because it is not derived from the other joined one predefined in Powersim.
In order to define the unit “wdg”:
- the window of dialogue of the property is opened of “wdg”;
- in the table of definition (Definition tab) the complete name is written (Long name) and that plurale (Plural name) of the unit;
- Normal is selected unit option;
- Atomic is selected option.

Figure 3.2- Window of definition of the unit “wdg”
Hour the unit “wdg” can be used for the construction of the model.