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Virtual Warehouse transformation of the fisicità of a group of logistic information shared and co-ordinate cooperation of industrial economic actors concentrates to you in a defined territorial area.
The transformation of an object from "virtual" physicist "in and the ritrasformazione from "virtual" to "physicist", that it can make to think next to the fantascientifica invention of the teletrasporto, in truth are a product of hi-tech the already available today. The developments of the communications and the computer science net are in effects the ingredients that allow this metamorphosis. Virtual warehouse (MV) is in use that can be made of these possible transformations. It is the physical state of the objects is their virtual state are represents MV to you for which we can define the MV a physicist-computer science hybrid. Examples represented you of the use of the virtualizzazione have been brought back from the economist Jeremy Rifkin in its book The Age of Access (2000); while the economic impact of the virtual warehouse on the system of services and production can be estimated on the base of they give to you brought back in the book industrial Districts and technologies of net: to plan convergence (2000), and in particular in the test " the logistics like organizational infrastructure of the global economy " of Giancarlo Corò .
The sharing of information, possible yield from the net technologies, allows the rationalization of the management of the physically present supplyes in the business warehouses. The supplyes are reduced physically, and consequently it diminishes the immobilized understood one them; the abolished quota is replaced from the information on the availability in terms of times and amount. The availability total is given from the sum of the members rendered available from the Customers of the virtual warehouse on the same territory.
The ingegnerizzazione of the MV is based on the principle of the "esclusione of the used contemporaneità "in the planning of complex systems; in other words, one excludes statistically that the same member goes in damage in the same moment in two different areas of the system. An example is the spare wheel: we hold some even if the car has four, that is excludes the possibility to pierce more wheels at the same time. The mathematical theories that assure the applicabilità of MV in the within of the management of the territory occupied from an economic district are relatively simple and the planning and applicabilità are calculable with riassumibili mathematician-statistical methods in the frequentista definition and the " ascertainment empiricist by means of reasonings of simmetria " of Laplace . The interactions between the operating economic on the defined territory are imaginable as insiemi and representable with the diagrams of Venn, on which take place noticeable inferences with the application of the theorem of Bayes.
It is important to observe that these inferences induce to the institution of one or more MV in one territory, with an effect of logistic improvement economic recursivo for all the economic district that it is involved. Some cases of application reveal the potentialities of the virtual warehouse.
- Virtual Hospital. The MV, applied to one district hospital worker of a city with three distant hospitals between they approximately twenty minuteren, allow to optimize the warehouses of the single hospitals in how much:
- every single warehouse is reduced of 33%
- the MV have an equal content to 3 x 67% = 201%
- the availability for every hospital is 67% in native place + 134% to 20 minuteren from the demand.
The district hospital worker in this way saves the equivalent of one warehouse 3 x 33% but the availability to 201% (67% in native place + 134% in MV doubles). - Cooled virtual warehouse. As in the Virtual Hospital the MV can be used in order to rationalize the exercise of the warehouses cools to you uses you in some processes of the chain of transformation of the food industry. In the case of the agricultural production (citruses etc.) the virtualizzazione of the cooled cubic meter allows a optimization of uses of the resources available for the maintenance of the harvests until the moment of the transformation in alimony. This ring of the production process is also one of most expensive. The optimization and the consequent cost reduction throw again the competitiveness and the consumptions (in some agricultural areas of our country in a beam of 50 km are present some hundreds of warehouses cool to you).
- Virtual warehouse of industrial district. The considerations made in the two previous examples can be brought back with happening in à the industrial districts (approximately 200 in Italy). The obtainable economies would be of great impact on all the chain of the national value.
(the system and the exercise of a virtual warehouse are outline to you in the figure.)
The companies participants transmit to the manager of the MV the information of the contents of the business warehouse that wish to share in the district and the manager generates a MV who contains the descriptions of the materials, the amount available and the times of supplying. The enterprises can consequently reorganize their supplyes in function of the availability of the MV and the operating necessities. The definition of the supplyes is calculated in function of the habits and from the necessity of consumption of the customers, the territorial physical distribution and, not last, the practicability. The resupplies, their frequency and their entity, before being standardize to you, they are analyzes and rapportati to principle 80/20 of Pareto/Juran.
( Vilfredo Pareto , economist and Italian sociologist, enunciated the principle resumed in years Fifty in USA from Joseph Moses Juran, that it proposed an innovative " Controlling System ", but without great consents; instead, it had happened in Japan teaching to the manager. The rest is history.) The participants can anytime demand online the delivery of materials. The manager of the MV supplies to i withdrawals of money and the deliveries in the within of the territory of its competence let alone to the resupplies. They are possible interscambi with virtual warehouses of other districts. In the MV the redundancies are standardized and the recycle obsolescences, the warehouse spin increases, the availability is multiplied. The warehouses of the enterprises participants are transformed from pass to you in assets and the entrepreneurs can choose if to invest in supplyes or services. To participate to a virtual warehouse, moreover, allows of:
- to eliminate the overhead managerial;
- to adapt the costs to the business conjunctural course;
- to take advantage itself of synergies negotiates them and organizational;
- to have use of of scale reductions in price multiplies to you in function of the great volumes of purchase generates to you;
- to guarantee one better reperibilità of the supplies with an elevation of the qualitative standards you;
- to diminish the structure costs;
- to safeguard the atmosphere reducing the traffic generated from transports of along distance.
The virtual warehouse is today realizable to low cost for the PMI with the aid of Internet. Its application is possible ovunque and represents an other step towards the net economy.
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