Of particular business importance, it is the service of Virtual Warehouse offered from UNITEC relatively
to the management of the supplyes.
UNITEC in fact, studies and organizes the logistic service of delivery of the goodses second
finishes and modality preventively agrees with the company customer to you.
The service, allows the aforesaid ones to best manage
just the production process and, therefore, to satisfy in more effective way the demands carried out from the
own customers.
In such a way, every enterprise customer, succeeds in its turn in fidelizzare the own customers, confidando
moreover in organized supplies, will be able to also reduce the amount of the supplyes of assets (strategic or less) usually
accumulates to you in just the warehouse.
As we have already analyzed, problematic main, the relative one to the management
of the supplyes, it concerns in fact two essential points:
- when to order
- how much to order
Also admitting the usefullness, if not quite the necessity, of the existence of a
minimal supply of emergency, the company must be in a position to being able to establish with a sure margin of approximation,
the exact moment of arrival of the matters for being ready to distribute immediately the service to just the customer, such to
turn out more works them and timely regarding the competition. The answer to "how much to order", is noticeable from the
so-called "point of reorders" illustrated in the first one understood it. Just for how much it concerns instead the amount to
order, the company has the possibility to use I affixed software to you that allows them to characterize, based on the
consumption of the same matters, the exact one to pile of supplyes that will have to reconstitute in order to catch up the
that "minimal" level of supplyes preventively established. Since the existence of the supplyes in warehouse represents a
business cost, the management must necessarily realize a oculata management of the same ones.
Presupposed of their existence
it is the temporal phase-difference that elapses between the flow of the deliveries and that one of theirs I use (is physicist
who informative).
Therefore the enterprises succeed to obtain one they reduction, solo in the moment in which they arrive
to one sharing of information, concurred from the new technologies, between supplier and same company, that is through a
provider of services to which delegating the task to assure such informative exchange.
Leaving from the ABC analysis of
the products stopped in warehouse, it is in fact possible to obtain a typical classification of the assets to manage in
supply for the production, in base therefore to the importance that assume in business within.
The products are characterized
then of wrap "To" which strategic materials that they absorb 80% of the economic volume of expense distributed on 20% of the
suppliers, the assets of wrap "B" like "intermediate" assets that absorb 15% of the expense on 30% of the suppliers, and the
assets of wrap "distributed C" that represent remaining 5% of the expense on 50% of the suppliers.
The product of wraps
"To", being exactly strategic, they usually come managed from the companies with a greater cure regarding those of you wrap
"B" and "C" which weigh little on the formation of the cost and the turnover (apply principle 80/20 of Pareto).
These last ones, can easy therefore be managed through the delegation in outsourcing in way shared between more companies,
therefore to obtain economies regarding the cost of purchase, transport, order and control.
Well, the enterprises
customers, catch up a optimization of the management of the supplyes through a continuous shared logistic and informative
flow between same and the suppliers.
The sharing of the resources and the information, is sure obtainable for how much
concerns the products of wraps "B" and "C", representing these strategic materials, even if null preclude similar plans
does not apply to you also to those of wraps "To".
The provider of service and therefore UNITEC, beyond integrating the
relative orders of supply you to such assets, succeeding to obtain more regular supplies and to more favorable conditions
of price, it offers to the participants as well as the possibility to reduce progressively the own supplyes increasing some
but the availability (lemma of the Virtual Warehouse), how much the attainment of positive effects you on the indices of
spin of the stoccata goods.
UNITEC in fact, through I use it of the new technologies, is in continuous logon with the
own suppliers (its partner) and the companies customers, therefore to optimize the times and the necessary procedures for
the management of supplying based on the habits and necessity of consumption of the same companies customers, their
territorial localization and, not last, regarding the practicability of the geographic area of reference.
To such
purpose, UNITEC, has realized a new one e-tool, the " NETSOURCING ", which Internet-based instrument that allows
a effective connection between just the office acquires, with that one of the customers and suppliers.
In such a way,
every enterprise customer, has the possibility to formulate one demanded of supply in real Time, on the base of it catalogues
of present products in the give-base of UNITEC, that is formulating demanded of products that then are reperiti from the same
UNITEC, associating also demanded relative to various supplies.
Such system, allows to the company a continuous activity
of tracking, therefore to obtain, in every moment, relative information to the state of advance of the supply, the terms of
delivery, shipment and invoicing. Like famous, the delivery of the goods, follows a iter procedural that sees its realization,
to coincide with the moment in which the supplier it has the quantitative entire availability of of goods ordered, that is
of the last tipologia of demanded goods.
In practical, until when all the quantitative one of goods is not available,
the delivery of the same one does not happen, in how much the supplier avoids sopportare more times the transport costs.
Such delay, ripercuote negatively on the business production.
Well, the company, distinguishing the urgent deliveries
from that they can be sent back in the time, agrees with UNITEC the best solutions so that the deliveries are optimized
and organized based on the effective necessities of the moment.
In such a way, the risks are cancelled legacies to
the delays of the delivery and, at the same time, one is obtained consequently concentration and one reduction of the
necessary times to the management of the warehouse, eliminating the dead times and increased parallel the efficiency of
the prelocated structures.

Figure n 4.2 - logistic
Organization. (Source UNITEC D GmbH, 2001) With the solution of the integrated supply and the Virtual Warehouse offers from UNITEC instead, a possible point of equilibrium between the minimal level
of the supplyes is studied (calculated based on uses of same in relation to the business productive ability and the time
of escape of the orders from part of the suppliers) and the relative number and cost you to supplyings.