The activity of an enterprise comes defined through Business Models, that they describe the way in which it generates yield and draws gain. The Business Model defines is strategic aspects that implemented to you of the business activity, riconducibili to the following points:
- the architecture that defines the flows informed to you, of products and services, with one description of several the actors of business and their roles;
- the definition and differentiation of the offer;
- the modality of selection of the customers;
- the modality of acquisition and maintenance of the customers;
- the way in which usefullness for the customer is created;
- the strategies of entrance on the market (strategies of promotion and distribution);
- the description of the gain sources;
- the computer science technologies available and usable.
From an analysis of the more careful literature it seems than to be able to identify a series of models that are applied with happening to field B2B [ From 2002, Mouthfuls 2003, AIP 2004, Rappa 2004 ]:
- eShop
- eProcurement
- eAuction
- eMall
- eMarketplace
- Virtual Community
- Value Chain Service Provider
- Value Chain Integrator
- Collaboration Platform
- Information Brokerage
- eSupply Chain
Figure 1 classifies the models second two parameters: the degree of innovation and the degree of integration of the functions.
As it is looked at, the model eShop, version electronic of a traditional store, introduces the degree more low than innovation and integration of the functions.
To the ends it is found instead the model Value Chain Integration, than it does not have corrispettivi in the business traditional and introduces the level higher than integration and innovation.

Figure 1 - Models of eBusiness
We examine therefore several the models in detail.
1. eShop : it is a model of type ' ' one-to-one '' with the objective to promote the company and its products or services through a channel of alternative and innovative marketing, often previewing the possibility to order and to pay online. The benefits find to you from the adoption of this model are:
- for the company:
- increment of the question;
- reduction is of the costs generates them that of those relati you to the promotion and the sale;
- for the consumer:
- reduction of the cost of the products regarding the traditional channels;
- chosen more width;
- better information;
- accessibility 24 hours on 24.
2. eProcurement : it is a model of type ' ' one-to-many '' the whose main objective is to replace the normal strategies of supplying employed from the company in order to acquire the products and services of which it needs for just the production process. The purchasers deal preventively with the preferential vendors to the aim to integrate theirs catalogue in one only.
Such catalogue includes the description of the products, the times of delivery and the price negotiate of every article and come used from every assigned the purchases.
Instead waiting for that the authorized persons approve of the order and that the office purchases forwards the demand to the suppliers (a process that can demand also weeks), employs to it to you can directly formulate from their emplacement of job the order, from one list previously approved of.
The order passes through an inner process of approval, in order then to be sent electronically to the supplier, leaving in its wake one clear trace for the verifications.
That concurs with the professionals of being able itself to concentrate on the more strategic aspects of supplying, like the negotiation of contracts and the management of the suppliers. These transactions can be integrated in the management and accounting methods of the been involved enterprises.
The activity of eProcurement can be managed inner from the company or be entrusted in outsourcing to specialized external structures. The advantages are:
- chosen width of offerers, with consequent smaller costs, greater quality, improved delivery and minor supplying cost;
- attainment of purchase economies;
- automatization of the processes of demand for offer;
- greater control on the purchases, in fact is guaranteed the correspondence of the purchases with the political of procurement of the company;
- reduction of the operating activities in the area of the purchases.