4.12 Increse the model: To add the back orders (Order to you Backlogs).
End hour has been assumed that, in the model, the orders not immediately adempiuti are lost in order always.
Many manifacturing companies cannot deliver immediately and maintain a rear one of orders inadempiuti that it emphasizes
the difference between the orders and shipments.
Delay between the reception and the delivery of an order withdraws to you emerges every qualvolta is one.
These delays can be caused from the administrative activities, like the necessity to personalize or to shape
the product to second of the necessities of a particular customer, or delays in shipments to the place of the customer.
When the costs of maintenance in warehouse are much high, the companies prefer to maintain withdraw you to it of orders
inadempiuti and to use a system make-to-order if they can technically approviggionare the finished product.
Figure 4.10 extension as the subsystem order fulfillment can be modified in order to include an explicit
back order (order backlog).

Figure 4.11- Structure for order backlog
A order backlog it implies that delay between the disposition and the reception of an order is one.
Through one small it anytime reads to the relationship of order backlog a respect to order fulfillment installments measure the average of
the delivery delay (delivery delay):
- Delivery Delay = Backlog/Order Fulfillment Installments
- Backlog = INTEGRAL (Order Installment Fulfillment Installments, Backlogt0)
This last equation indicates that the backlog it is increased from the orders receipts and decrementato from the implementation of such orders.
Order fulfillment installments is equal to shipment installments. Every time that “widget” is sent to the customer the backlog
is diminished of one unit.
While shipment installments and order fulfillment installments are assumed numerically equal and are measured with the same units
(widgets/week), they are distinguished concepts.
Shipment installments is the physical rate products that leave the company, while order fulfillment installments represent a flow
of information.
In the correct structure desired shipment installments are the shipment rate that will inside assure the implementation of the orders
of the target of delivery delay (target delivery delay).
Target delivery delay is the goal of the company for the interval between the disposition and the reception of the orders.
The delivery delay they puts into effect will be equal to that place as objective when shipment installments uguaglia desired shipment installments:
- Desired Shipment Installments = Backlog/Target Delivery Delay
At last, the rate the orders of the company is set up for being equal to customer order installments.
In a model with multiple customers, order installments would have to be the sum of characterize them customer order installments.
In order to make that the model beginnings from a situation of balanced equilibrium, the backlog begins them it must be equal to
the value of the target delivery delay of the entering orders:
- Backlogt0 = Target Delivery Delay*Order Installments