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CHAPTER IV Case of study: modellizzazione of one Manufacturing Supply Chain
4.13 Behavior of the company with the Order Backlogs
Figures 4.12 and 4.13 the structural diagram and the diagrams of simulation that show the behavior of the model with
added of the comprising structure the back orders to you (order backlogs).
The variable one target delivery delay is set up to 2 weeks.
As before there is an unexpected increment of the orders of 20% from begins them balanced equilibrium.

Figure 4.12- Structural diagram with the added one of the order backlogs.

Although enough similar to the model without backlog, there are some thin differences.
Immediately after the increment of the orders, shipments they continue to their rate begins them.
Backlogs therefore ago grows and therefore also desired shipment installments. The shipments put into effect hold them initially the step,
but as the level of warehouse of the company falls, order fulfillment ratio cove under 100%, causing the come down one of shipment to
of under of desired shipments. Delivery delay begins to grow.
A backlog it has two effects:
- First, because of it withdraws to it to you in the orders and of shipments, desired shipment it grows very gradually regarding the case without withdraws to you. As result the decrease in the warehouse is a lot graduates them, light reducing the amplification in production starts to 1.97 regarding 2.12 of the case without backlogs. The maximum in production start installments more light lingers the variation of the orders much that in the event without backlogs.
- According to, the orders that cannot be adempiuti immediately are lost but they remain in the backlog until when they are not sendes to you. Production installments therefore must grow over order installments from the moment in which the company it works to outside of withdraws end to you when a sufficient warehouse becomes available.