An accounting method used which informative support to the control process must be in a position to
supplying the necessary information to the corrected development of the decisional process current and to support the process
of measurement of the performances of the organization.
In the decisional process it is possible to distinguish between relative choices to the definition of the productive structure
of the company (investment choices) and choices connected to I use of the productive structure (running choices)
18 .
According to a formulation widely shared, the running choices regard:
- The promotion or the elimination of the products in the second market criteria of economic convenience;
- The definition and the modification of the selling prices of the products on the market;
- The elimination or less than a determined segment of the business activity;
- The acceptance or less than a data production order;
- The development to the inside of some productions or activity of support or their confidence to thirds party external producers.
In the support to the decisional process, the informative system must be in a position to supplying to the decisive subjects
a forecast on the economic consequences of the decisions that they are call to take to you.
The choice of the model of cost to adopt, that is of the able model to simulate the consequences, express in terms of
costs and margins, of the various business decisions, coincides with the role of the informative system in such ambles
you of choice.
The study of the systems of survey and measurement in the production companies has endured an acceleration
without previous.
On one side under the push of emphasizing itself of the competition in the markets, the companies have
searched new and more sophisticated instruments than support to the decisional process.
From the other, to continuation of the development of new approaches to the production, the decisional models have been
subordinates to one deep review.
The reflection around to the systems of measurement using itself just in productive
atmospheres innovated to you is not today concluded and the ferment around to the various proposals is ignited and
of great interest.
The cost which element of measurement of the rationality of the behaviors has lost part of original meant
That has had to the inability of the accounting methods to express a cost that is expression of the consumption of
resources in coherent way with logic of operation of the adopted productive system.
To forehead of the created urgency
inasprirsi of the international competition and from the strong competitiveness of the enterprises of the countries of the Far
East, the studies and the searches in the field of the accounting methods of survey have begun, to leave from the half of years
eighty, to produce, first critical analysis on the existing accounting methods and then proposed of solutions of the problems
that were it identifies to you.
The search of new models of management that could, in some way, to facilitate the task of the
high direction is born in the moment in which conscience of the fact is taken that, in order to conserve the own competitiveness,
the companies must be engaged to eliminate waste, to rationalize the processes and the organizational structures, to improve the
quality of the products and the services, to reduce the times of delivery, carrying out in correct way the long activities the
supply chain.
The accounting analytics has been accused of being one of the main reasons for which the western companies
they had not succeeded to maintain the step with the Asian competition.
The accusation was not limited to indicate the
accounting like an instrument that had gradually lost its importance in the decisional process, but quite it was succeeded in
to accuse the accounting method of being of obstacle to the attainment of the competitive advantages
19 .
The accounting method called Activity Based Costig (of continuation also called ABC) has been proposed which solution of some
problems induced from the use of "traditional" the accounting method in the modern productive atmosphere, that is where the
productive strategies tied to the timeliness and the flexibility have become one improcrastinabile necessity.
Such model is proposed like a valid one half in order to supply the necessary information for the choices of renewal
of the production ways.
The ABC is a system to full cost or full costing, that is a system that aimed at the
imputation of the costs generates them to the various products by means of an allocation mechanism.
The objective is that one of rispecchiare the real employment of the resources in the process of industrial production,
exceeding the consideration that the volume of production (generally measured through the number of hours of labor or
hours machine) was the determining factor in the use of the resources, considering instead one series wider than determining
factors the consumption of the production factors (cost driver).
The ABC I found myself on the consideration that the
consumption of resources in the production process is legacy not only to the production volume, but also, to activity not
exclusively correlated with the same volume of production 20 .
The amount of resources employed in the development of these activities more directly is connected to the number and the
capacity of the transactions that are carried out to the inside of the organization.
According to this system all the
activities of a company exist in order to support the production and the distribution of the products and the services and,
consequently, the resources to dedicated they must be put in relation with the production process and their cost inserted in
the calculation of the product cost.
Moreover all the costs must be consider you not fixed and therefore mutabili
regarding changing of someone it determines elements to you.
Logic of this approach wants the consumption of resources
classified for activity, where an activity is identified from with of the undertaken actions, also from various subjects
in various organizational units, to the aim to achieve an objective data.
The identification of the activities constitutes a fundamental passage for the performance of an ABC system, to this purpose
must place attention to some problematic ones of particular interest, as the requirement to establish a language and a
terminology you flavored yourself in company in the moment in which the activities are defined in order to avoid redundancies;
the level to which it is decided to receive gives in how much the wide involvement to you of the staff to all the levels in
an ABC plan can constitute an important value that he turns out advanced to the cost of the survey.
Although then the complexity of the survey and elaboration of give to you tied to a type system full costing,
the development of the information tecnology, that it has carried to a cost reduction of management informed to
you, more allow the adoption of sophisticated book keeping instruments to contained costs regarding the past.
For every single activity the consumption of resources in the development of the same activity comes identified
the determining factor (activity driver).
Draft, in kind, of factors that determine "the intensity" with which
one given activity it comes lend. The determining factors represent variable the exogenous ones that induce the
consumption of the same resources, come consider you variable and for every single activity it comes characterized
that most important one in terms than consumption of the resources.

Table 3.1: manageriali costs of product and decisions
- Note 18: SOSTERO U. (1991), Cost analysis: the logical ones of attribution, Cedam, Padova, (p.286)
- Note 19: HILLS P. (1993), Systems of book keeping survey for productive atmospheres are left over to you. Cedam, Padova.
- Note 20: Physicist-technical SANTASESSO And (1991), Pointers in order to estimate the course of the management, Accounting and Budget